About the SLC

The mission of The Superiorland Library Cooperative is to develop and sustain innovative programs that are cost-effective because libraries collaborate in shared, economy-of-scale activities. Cooperation among our members makes it possible to grow and sustain library programs that improve the quality of library service in every community.

Service Population: 366,568

Location and Service Area: The Cooperative is located in Marquette, Michigan. We serve 35 public libraries, 14 branch libraries, and 4 associate member tribal libraries in Upper and Northern Lower Michigan

Services provided:

Databases and Resource Sharing

  • Administration and staff training for shared automated library system and online catalog
    (contract with Upper Peninsula Region of Library Cooperation – UPRLC)
  • OCLC Cataloging Subscription
  • OCLC Interlibrary Loan – through White Pine Cooperative
  • MeLCat setup, integration and training
  • RIDES Subsidy for all full member libraries with direct delivery stops
  • Subsidize and administrate the Great Lakes Digital Library (OverDrive) and RBDigital Magazine Collections
  • Sound booth and recording equipment for public use (coming in FY 2019/2020)
  • Negotiate group discounts for subscriptions, databases, digital media, print and non-print materials and supplies with individual vendors
  • Niche Academy subscription for the Cooperative


Technology Support

  • Host email and webpages for member libraries
  • Provide technology support and maintenance for local networks
  • Work with member libraries on technology plans
  • Assist with identifying opportunities for ERate and work with members to successfully navigate the application and procurement process

Continuing Education, Training, and Communications

  • Offer archived, streaming workshops for trustees and directors.
  • Monthly “lunch bunch” presentations and discussions on a variety of topics (211, A to Z Databases, Libby, etc.)
  • Provide regional professional development workshops throughout the year
  • Collaborate with other cooperatives and agencies to sponsor opportunities such as the Small Libraries, Big Impact Conference
  • Provide electronic discussion lists to keep library staff up to date on workshops and library events/issues.
  • Make stipends available to offset the cost of member library staff attending professional development opportunities.
  • Web hosting and Word Press training for member libraries
  • Provide access to a variety of Word Press templates.



  • Year round mini-grant opportunities for libraries to receive funding for public programs (author talks, concerts, STEAM kits, supplies, etc.)
  • Prepare statistical reports for members that can be used in fundraising, advocacy with legislators, and demonstrating the value of the library to the community.
  • Provide access to Survey Monkey and JotForm accounts for member libraries

Great Lakes Talking Books (GLTB) Reader Advisory & Outreach Center

  • Superiorland Library Cooperative's Great Lakes Talking Books Reader Advisory and Outreach Center (GLTB AOC) is part of a national network of cooperating libraries with the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS).  NLS provides a free Braille and talking book library service that allows patrons to download to a personal device and/or receive items free of charge by USPS mail.  Individuals of all ages are eligible for service provided they meet any of the following criteria:  are blind or have a visual impairment that makes them unable to comfortably read books, have a perceptual or reading disability, or have a physical disability that makes it difficult to hold or manipulate a book, or to focus or move the eyes as needed to read a print book. 
  • The GLTB AOC uses the recording booth housed at the Peter White Public Library to record books for patrons of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled.


Superiorland Library Cooperative Preview Center

  • Public libraries that provide reviews receive free books from publishers. Checkout the Superiorland Preview Center’s Book Review Blog at previewcenter.blogspot.com
Superiorland Library Cooperative